Worship Opportunities
2024 Calendar of Events
You are invited to join us for any or all of our worship opportunities. We welcome you to worship with us in any of our regularly scheduled services, or for any of our special events throughout the year. Please check back to this page often for information about any special events in the near future.
8:45 AM ..................... Institute of Training and Development (ITD)
10:00 AM ..................... Morning Praise & Worship Celebration
6:00 AM ..................... Prayer with Pastor Jackson
(Every Other Tuesday on Facebook Live)
10:00 AM ..................... Prayer & Faith Clinic*
7:00 PM ..................... Biblical Institute of Training & Development School
(Facebook Live Only)
January 2–31 Special Consecration
With prayer and fasting until 4:00 pm
except Sundays, eating after Morning Worship
January Bible Prophecy Conference
10, 17, 24, 31
February Black History Month
February 10 Bishop Andrew Jackson’s Birthday (Founder)
February 11 Men's Fellowship Super Bowl Party
February 14 Valentine's Day / Valentine's Banquet
February 25 Black History Celebration, Youth and Children
March 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 15-16 TN 4th Worker's Meeting (Jubilee COGIC)
March 24 Palm Sunday
March 31 Resurrection Sunday
March (TBA) Annual Business Meeting (following Morning Worship)
April 8-9 Music Workshop with Psalmist Sharon Jackson
(6:00pm - 7:30pm nightly)
May 12 Mother's Dayy
May 17 Women's Day Trip to Jackson, TN
May 27 Pastor's 66th Birthday Celebration
May 27 Memorial Day
June 2 55th Annual Founder’s Day
June 16 Father’s Day
June 23 Scholarship Sunday
June 24-28 COGIC AIM Convention (St. Louis, MO)
July 4 Independence Day
July 14 Good Shepherd's Sunday
July 18-20 TN 4th Convocation (Nashville, TN)
July 19 TN 4th Good Shepherd's Presentation
TBA Church Picnic
August 22-24 You Are My Sister Conference (Marietta, GA)
Sept (TBA) Fall Festival / Health Fair - Faith Temple Ministries
October (TBA) FTMC Auxiliary & Leadership Conference
November 3 Annual Homecoming -
Family and Friends Day Celebration
November 5-10 116th Holy Convocation COGIC (Memphis, TN)
November 27 Thanksgiving Day Celebration
December 22 Christmas Celebration
December 31 New Year’s Eve Celebration