In July 1969, the Faith Temple Church was founded by Elder Andrew Jackson, Sr. along with his wife, Lottie, six children and three adults. In August of the same year, this newly organized church purchased a building at 66 West Mallory Street. Two tent crusades were conducted in the community by Pastor Jackson, and the Lord confirmed His word with signs following, adding to the church.
In September 1974, the Lord blessed Faith Temple to relocate. The property purchased at 76-90 East Davant Avenue included a beautiful sanctuary with a seating capacity of over 300, a modern educational building, a six room two-story house and an extra lot. Pastor Jackson and the Faith Temple Church experienced tremendous growth over the next several years. The Lord added to the church and expanded the ministry.
In December 1989, the Lord blessed again. Pastor Jackson and Faith Temple relocated to 5191 Elvis Presley Boulevard. In addition to a 750-seat sanctuary, the property contains a choir room, office space, a beautiful chapel, modern nursery, commercial kitchen, a Fellowship Hall to accommodate 400 persons and an educational building with spacious classrooms and offices.
In May of 2016, after 47 years of faithful service, Pastor Andrew Jackson retired as pastor and his son, Elder Ivory Jackson, was installed at the pastor. Under Pastor Ivory Jackson's leadership, the church continues to grow and flourish.
We are truly grateful for what God has done, and what He continues to do. The vision for the Faith Temple Ministries Church: “Love, Understanding and Evangelism,” is alive and in operation today. As we celebrate 50 years of existence, the vision is very plain to us, evident as we pervade this community with our Outreach Ministry.
Faith Temple Ministries Church
A Church of Love and Understanding